Integral to who we are, contributing positively towards our society is embedded into every aspect of our business. It is brought to life through the holistic approach we take towards our CSR initiatives.

Eye Check up Camp – Every 3 months

Respecting social equality – TC Terrytex runs the following schemes:

  1. “Ladli” – A gift of Rs 11,000/- to every girl child born in the TCTL family
  2. “Shagun” – A gift of Rs 11,000/- to a female employee or the daughter of a TCTL employee who gets married

Variddhi Yojana:

Being a Mother is special Occasion and in the Respect all the mothers at TC Terrytex, the Management Committee of the Company has announced the following gift for the women employees working in the Company with effect from 01.05.2023.
Female Maternity Benefits: > The management committee of the company has announced to gift an amount of 11000 / – (eleven thousand rupees) in the form of FD in the name of newly born child of our women employees.

8 ke Thaath:

TC Terrytex strives to provide quality food at subsidized price to all TCTL members.
TCTL is pleased to offer delicious and hygienic cuisine at Rs 8/- per serving for anyone and everyone visiting TCTL.


TC Terrytex strives to make higher and quality education affordable to all students in the TCTL family by providing financial support for higher education.

Family Health Check Up Camp – Every 3 months

24 HR Ambulance Facility – Available free of cost to TCTL employees and their families

Grow Green Initiative – Plantation Project in the factory every 2 months

Distribution of Books, Stationary and Eatablesin Orphanage Schools – Every 2 weeks

Cleaning Initiative – Active participation in the Swatch Bharat country wide initiative

Holistic approach to Sustainability – Our factory uses Reverse Osmosis treatment to treat water. We have a zero discharge plant with a water treatment capacity of 4 million litres daily with water recycling capacity of 90%.

Set-up of Solar Energy 10 MW plant in 2019.